Divine Services

Wood Therapy

30 Min - $100 | 60 Min - $150
Wood - therapy, a holistic technique, using various different wood tools to help break down fat. This treatment is to sculpt, tone, and reduce cellulite.

Divine Detox

30 min - $50 | 60 min - $85
Detox, Debloat, and Burn Calories! This is our Divine Detox experience: Experience a true infrared sauna detox treatment ~ deep relaxation, burn calories, detox through your pores, promotes circulation, and enjoy glowing skin benefits.


30 Min - $100 | 60 Min - $150
Cavitation therapy uses low level ultrasonic waves to break down fat cells into a liquid while leaving surrounding tissues intact. Once the fat cells have liquefied, they are eliminated from your system using your body's own natural process

Radio Frequency

30 Min - $100 | 60 Min - $150
Radio Frequency assists with thickening and firming skin. decreasing stretch marks. RF treatment creates current flows form the electrodes of an RF devices into your skin. heating the tissues beneath to stimulate collagen and elastin production

Divine Body Therapy (Customized)

2hrs | $250.00
This is a 2 Hour customized body session. TBD treatment  (sessions are performed per area: abdomen, back, arms, legs, and etc.) This is a full 2 HR Divine Customized Treatment .

Divine Body Therapy (Customized)

1 HR 30 MIN | $180
This is a 1 hour 30 min customized body session. TBD treatment (sessions are performed per area: abdomen, back, arms, legs, and etc.)

Divine Body Therapy (Customized)

1 Hour | $150
This is a 1 hour customized body session. TBD treatment.  (sessions are performed per area: abdomen, back, arms, legs, and etc.)

Divine Customized Treatment

30 Min | $100
This is a 30 min customized body session, TBD treatment

Radio Frequency Facial

30 Min - $100 | 60 Min - $150
Radio Frequency is a great tool to also use on your face as its benefits are collagen stimulation, softens fine lines, firm skin. reduces pores, as well as creating a more youthful appearance by tightening any soggy skin

Vacuum Therapy

30 Min - $100 | 60 Min - $150
Vacuum therapy breaks down cellulite and fat deposits. Removes toxins and improves lymphatic drainage. Vacuum therapy also helps restore the natural elasticity of the skin by softening and smoothing its appearance.


60 min | $120
Our non-invasive Brazilian butt lift (BBL) involves two suction cups being attached to each buttock. Benefits of the BBL : gives a firmer, plumper, perkier, larger, rounder reshaped butt! This BBL procedure promotes blood circulation, release of toxins, removal of cellulite and fatty deposits

Vacuum BBL + Vacuum Therapy

1 HR 10 MIN | $150
Non- Invasive Brazilian Butt Lift therapy combined with Vacuum Therapy. This combined treatment helps to significantly reduce cellulite and overall enhance the appearance of your buttocks. Promoting lymphatic drainage where toxins are eliminated from your system using your body's own natural process

Vacuum BBL + Wood Therapy

1 HR 10 MIN | $150
Our non-invasive Brazilian butt lift (BBL) involves two suction cups being attached to each buttock. Benefits of the BBL : gives a firmer, plumper, perkier, larger, rounder reshaped butt! This BBL procedure promotes blood circulation, release of toxins, removal of cellulite and fatty deposits. This treatment is combined with Wood - therapy, a holistic technique, using various different wood tools to sculpt, tone, and reduce cellulite.

Vacuum BBL + EMS Therapy

1 HR 10 MIN | $150
Non- Invasive Brazilian Butt Lift therapy combined with Electrical Muscle Stimulation . This combined treatment helps to enhance the overall appearance of your buttocks. Promoting lymphatic drainage where toxins are eliminated from your system using your body's own natural process. EMS Electrical Muscle Stimulation (EMS) tones muscles in your buttocks, while aiding in the breakdown of fat, making this non-invasive body treatment, a highly demanded one. It works by sending electrical signals through the electrode pads to muscles in those areas with pads are therefore contracted

Back Sculpt

45 Min - $120
Our Back Sculpt treatment is a perfect match for those individuals looking for a back focused treatment. Focus on sculpting your upper back or back sides, using radiofrequency and holistic modalities.
** A series of sessions are recommended for best results


30 Min. Packages

(4) 30 MIN SESSIONS - $350

(6) 30 MIN SESSIONS - $525

1 Hour Packages

(4) 1HR SESSIONS - $575

(6) 1HR SESSIONS - $825

Divine Goals Packages

(6) 1HR 30MIN. SESSIONS - $999.00
original price per session: $180

BBL Packages

(6) 1HR SESSIONS - $600

Packages Add Ons

(FOR PACKAGES ONLY: Available to get a treatment of your choice added on each package visit)

30 Min Add On

Add ons can be added to service the same day as your appointment only! Can NOT be purchased separately . 

60 Min Add On


Add ons can be added to service the same day as your appointment only! Can NOT be purchased separately . 

